Thursday, November 7, 2013

{30 Days of Simple Toddler Toys} Day 7: Dolls

Parents of boys:  Do not just skip over this post.  It's okay for boys to play with dolls.  Some boys love them, other boys couldn't care less about them.  My son has a doll, and his name is Reese Stu.  Reese Stu was born in 1983 when Shane was born.  Shane toted Reese Stu around for a few years, and then one day, was done with him, so my mother-in-law saved him for her grandchildren.  Greyson hasn't really discovered the awesomeness of dolls yet, but when he's ready, Reese Stu is waiting with (literally) open arms (and in a pair of my favorite preemie pajamas of Greyson's).
Greyson (3 months) with Reese
The great thing about dolls is there is such a huge variety to choose from.  You can choose a soft plush doll, a doll closes it's eyes when laid down, or a doll that sucks it's thumb.  My preference is for a doll that requires the imagination of a child to make it cry, make it go "potty", and make it fall asleep.

  • dramatic play
  • life skills


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