Monday, November 4, 2013

{30 Days of Simple Toddler Toys} Day 4: Soft Play Climber

Okay, stick with me.  When you see the price tag of these bad boys, you will almost certainly be feeling the need to click the 'x' on my blog and move on.  Soft Play Climbers are worth the money.  While I do not know this from my own experience, I do have a friend who would put one of these in every child's house if she could.  She has one in her house, and she has nothing but positives to say about it.  Here's the climber her kids are lucky to play on every single day:

Here are her top ten reasons every child needs a Soft Play Climber (from I Spoil My Kids):

1.  It gets played with every. single. day.  (Periods inserted for dramatic effect, because it's true).   My friend's children don't just use it to climb.  They pretend they are on a mermaid lagoon, fight epic battles, sail the ocean as pirates, read, color, do school work, and more.

2.  Soft play climbers are worth the money.  If they get played with every single day, it pays for itself in no time.  If you are looking at a climber that costs $699.99, that breaks down to $1.92 per day for a year.  It's kind of impossible not to see that as an amazing deal when it's broken down like that.

3.  It provides active play inside.  Being outside is something that we feel is super, super important.  However, there are times where being outside is just not an option (weather, schedules, etc.).  Children need to be active every single day, and soft play climbers provide that opportunity!

4.  There are no small pieces to clean up/step on/lose/etc.  Simple. as. that.

5.  Soft play climbers are easy to clean.  Just take some hot water and a disinfectant and wipe down!

6.  One climber serves the play needs of all ages!  With supervision, babies can enjoy soft play climbers, and even the oldest children (adults) have fun with them too!

7.  There are lots of teachable options.  Colors, shapes, spatial relationships, developmental milestones and more.

8.  Soft play climbers come in a wide variety.  Choose one that suits your family's needs.  Big, small, corner climber, center climber, wall climber, the possibilities are endless.

9.  Soft play climbers are high quality.  You will not need to waste money replacing items or making repairs, as these climbers are made to withstand rough play from lots and lots of kids.

10.  Climbers will not ruin your house.  They are made lightweight to be easily moved around and rearranged and will not damage carpet, floors, or walls of your house.

Shane and I would love to get a soft play climber for G sometime within the next year.  Please check out I Spoil My Kids wonderful selection of climbers here.

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