Saturday, September 28, 2013

Feeding Update Friday: Week Four

It's been a great week for us. Monday we went to the Children's Institute for a follow up appointment.  They gave us an A+ for the month (which was a shock for me), and gave us some tips for the next month.  He did lose a little weight, and is back down to 22.5 pounds, but they gave me some ideas how I can calorie boost the things that he is eating orally.  

Greyson has been fighting a small cold, and we were nervous that it would slide back his progress.  In fact, the complete opposite has happened and he's doing wonderfully!  His poor behaviors are very few and far between, and we seem to have gotten our groove back.  Let's hope we can continue to be on the same page!

Foods that G has eaten this week:
Chocolate pudding
Strawberry banana yogurt
Vanilla yogurt
Plain yogurt with honey
Chicken noodle soup and butter
Goldfish Grahams

Total Intakes:
Friday: 3 ounces
Saturday:  4 ounces and 2 penguins
Sunday:  unknown (we were traveling and forgot to write totals down! Woops.)
Monday: 6 ounces
Tuesday: 7 ounces and 1 penguin
Wednesday:  7.5 ounces, 1 cheez-it, and 3 Graham's
Thursday:  8.5 ounces and a few bites of pizza (our golden day!)

1 comment:

  1. each week it seems the middle to end of week is best. 8.5 oz!! yay


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