Monday, February 25, 2013

Unpacking the Fun with Barefoot Books

Today we received a shipment of Barefoot Books for a home party.  Greyson loves when book orders come, because he gets to play with the boxes, packing paper, and bubble wrap.

It's like Christmas when these boxes show up on our front porch!

I unpack all of the books, while Greyson starts digging into the empty boxes.

He finally figured out today how to pop to bubble wrap by stomping on it.

We save the packing paper for coloring and painting.

"Mom, can you please order me this book?"

Orders all packed up for a very successful home party!

Would you like to build your child(ren)'s library with high quality children's literature?  Contact me for information about a Barefoot Books home party, where you will earn 20% of party sales in free books!


  1. love this!you are so resourceful!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! It doesn't always work out, but we do try to use everything we can :)


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