Saturday, November 30, 2013

{30 Days of Simple Toddler Toys} Day 30: Box

You read it right.  How about giving a really big, really cool box to a toddler as a gift.  You wouldn't think so, but there are a whole lot of things that a child can do with a box, and they will find those ways.  You can help them create a house, rocket ship, truck, boat, fort, comfy reading spot, the largest coloring/painting surface they've ever seen, and so much more.  Give them a large box with a set of paint and paintbrushes and a promise to help them turn it into whatever they wish.

Where should you get your box?  Call around to local furniture stores or places with large appliances and ask if they will save you a large box.  I'm almost betting that they will, as most places just put their boxes out for recycling.  What an inexpensive and easy gift that kids will go crazy for!

Create With Your Hands:  Creativity with Cardboard Boxes

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