Friday, October 4, 2013

Feeding Update Friday: Week Five

Greyson continues to amaze (and amaze, and amaze, and amaze...) us.  Shane and I have been battling some kind of bug that made us very achy and exhausted, and Greyson has been slightly congested.  Even battling a small cold, Greyson has continued progressing with his feeding.  We were almost sure that his feeding would suffer when he wasn't feeling well, and so far that has not been the case.  What a champ!

Amazingly, Greyson has not caught what Shane and I both had.  We have some not-so-secret-but-relatively-unknown weapons for keeping Greyson's cold a "small" one, and believe it's the reason he hasn't gotten our bug.  We've been boosting his immune system for about 2 weeks now with vitamins and supplements.  Stay tuned for a post about those...

So despite the yuckiness in the house this week, Greyson's been moving forward with eating.  He's barely showing any poor behaviors right now, and has actually asked for yogurt a few times!  YES, folks, asked to eat.  I know, I know.  Tear.  He has taken a slight slide back with his crunchy food, but we continue to work on it.

When we met with the Children's Institute, they told us not to focus so much on how many different foods he was eating, but to focus on the volume of food he was eating.  You will definitely see a difference in the number of foods he's eating, but you will see huge increases in the volume of food he is eating.

Foods that G has eaten this week:
whole yogurt with honey
chicken noodle soup with butter (pureed)
vanilla yogurt
hot tea with honey
chicken and dumpling soup with butter (pureed)

Total Intakes:
Friday:  10.5 ounces and 1/2 penguin cracker
Saturday:  8 ounces, 10 mL
Sunday:  5.5 ounces (we had to skip a meal this day)
Monday:  12 ounces (1.5 ounces of that was hot tea)  (our golden day!)
Tuesday:  11 ounces
Wednesday:  10.5 ounces, 2.5 penguin crackers
Thursday:  11 ounces

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